A TNS Cannaseur’s Guide to Quarantining

A survivor’s journal was found in the year 2 A.C. (2 years After Covid). These snippets revel some of the best ways to get through any home based quarantine….

Cannaseur’s Log: Day 3 of The Covid-19 Quarantine

Five o’clock shadow is in effect. Wearing the same hoodie I wore on Day 1. Come to think of it I’m also wearing the same sweatpants. Just braved the grocery store. Made it out alive with an entire roll of toilet paper. The family has welcomed me home as a conquering hero. The authorities say the virus strikes the respiratory system so I must be careful. Common sense tells me it’s edible time.

Fruit Slabs Vegan Fruit Leathers ought to do the trick. Being that the zombie hordes already claimed all the fresh fruit from the produce aisle this is the next best thing. They come in OG Mango, Mango Wowie, Grandaddy Grape and Tropical Haze. I close my eyes and eat a couple 10mg slabs and make believe I’m back on the sandy shores of my beloved Costa Rica. Times were so much simpler then. Frolicking on the sand and eating tropical fruits straight [...]

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