
Bad Air out, Good Green in…

This container does to air what you wish you could do to your racist uncle around the holidays. It casts it away. It takes air by the scruff of its neck and announces to the rest of the essential building blocks of life that air is no longer wanted or tolerated in this house, and that if you want air you can go out onto the curb and get it because that’s where I’m sending this no good son of a bitch!

Then you do just that. You take air and you punt it in the flabby testicles and tell it in no uncertain terms that you don’t want it coming around here anymore! Then walk back into the house and present the Canlock Airtight Containers to all of your new admirers, sitting slackjawed at the dinner table, and declare the contents of the aforementioned pot jars as free of tyrannical air.


Image Source shopcanlock


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