Crystal & CBD skincare

Mazzahanna is not a pasta dish…

You may want to ask yourself an important question when starting a skincare regiment. Like, is my skin cream blessed by a shaman? Are there crystals and hemp extract up in this mofo? If the answers to any of those question are no it does not make you a bad person. It just makes you semi-woke. We here at The New Smoker strive to make you fully-woke or undergo what nobody has yet referred to as “The Awoke-aning.”

In that spirit, why don’t you spread a little Mazz Hanna on your face-hanna so you can be as smooth as a baby’s ass-hanna. All the while you should enjoy the reassuring comfort of knowing that your carnelian enhanced, CBD salve was blessed by a real life shaman. He or she just reaches into their trusty wizard’s pouch, takes out the magic blessing wand and starts to twirl it in the air at a feverish pace. Then he or she [...]

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