Full Spec Vapes

Taste Space…

Most vapes these days strip out all the green goodness, fill it with and mix of purified THC & CBD, and then try & add taste back in later one terpene at a time, which seems both counterproductive and redundant at the same time. Why not take the whole plant with all of it’s plethora of compounds we’ve only just begun to understand, and put that in a vape cartridge? Great question, you say? We thought so too.

Well that’s what Full Spec does, uses whole plant terpene extracts made from fresh frozen single source cannabis to create a full spectrum of fun you can feel flow into you and hit like bong rip as it sends you into deep space. All the while tasting like beautiful bud flower, not chintzy fruit loops flavors from a chemical factory.

Time to dump the cheap chumps and go Full Spec.



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