Intentional Papers

Send A Secondhand Message…

Intentional messages from Intentional Papers. Smoke the words that guide you with Sweet Flag’s hand written rolling papers. CHILL OUT,” urges one such rolling paper. This is perfect to drive home the point that you are a bloody mess and you need to in fact chill with a joint. Or of course it is others who need to chill because they are collectively putting a kink in your buzz. In that case it is more of a warning to others.

Another vanity paper writes “BLESS”. That’s for all those seeking true nirvana or a religious experience. Might want to pack that one abnormally large. Yet another message is I GOT THIS.” This is a joint that exudes confidence. Perfect for those who work best under pressure, like air traffic controllers and Tom Brady. Finally we have the ever popular statement, “FUCK IT.” Truer words rarely precede the sparking of a joint.

Find your state of mind and enjoy the eternal dance of receiving and sending messages via mother nature.


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