Cannabis Chocolate Love

Ego-Death by Chocolate… Tom Buford loved chocolate deeply. His love was an all-encompassing sort of love. It took priority in his life and he’d eat all sorts. Gas station chocolate, the fancy French kind of chocolate, and even entire chocolate cakes if the mood struck him. His license plate even read “GANACHE.” Before long, Tom […]

The Chill Box

Dankton Abbey… Cast of characters: Lord Greenthorpe, the Duke of Humboldt: a nobleman; Scrimsby: Lord Greenthorpe’s long beleaguered valet;​​ Chauncey 2 : The hallboy/page. A dimwit. ACT 1. SCENE 1. — THE DANKTON MANOR Scrimsby: [clears throat] Your monthly has arrived sir. Lord Greenthorpe: Have them bring it up at once Scrimsby. Scrimsby: Very good sir [turns to […]

Project Sanctuary – Benefit Prints

Budscapes… Unfurl your bud flower prints by Goldleaf and proclaim your manor as House Ganja of HighGarden. Notify your landlord that you will be addressed as Lord OneHitter for now on, overseer of the hydroponics and Archduke of Ecstacy. Deference must be paid. Take your bud prints with you to the marketplace as well and […]

Cannabis Multi-Tool

Spliff Notes… Even joints need help sometimes. News Flash: They’re not born joints. A lot of nurturing and guidance takes place before the formation of the joint. Even the smoothest or tightest looking “J” isn’t without a mishap or two. It’s all about mitigating the mistakes, that is what makes you a true rollmaster. One […]


Wh nds vwls…? Ths s BRNT. Ths fncy bng s th bst bng fr ths wh lk smkng gd cln smth hts wth shrp srfcs. Pt ths bng n yr pst-mdrn hm, yr pst-mdrn frnds wll thnk yr spr stylsh. Y cld pssbly rll yr BRNT bng lk sm mlt-sdd dc frm Dngns & Drgns. […]

Cat Nip Joints

A more elevated meow mix… All those judging glances have been decoded. Your cat(s) have been wondering all along when you will be done bogarting that fat spliff and include them in the cipher. The time has come and the Meowijuana catnip joints are just the thing to put man and feline on an even […]

Hydra Mini Rig

Lo, the entrance to the underworld… The aptly named Hydra by MJ Arsenal takes on the visage of a serpentine water beast. To slay it properly one needs not to chop off one of it’s glass heads (That would be a no no). It will only sprout back several more and then you’ll be in […]

Limited Edition Oregrown Pax Era

Just the Pax ma’am… Portland’s premiere private eye is on the case of Oregon’s missing pageant queen. A smokey eyed debutant from the hills of Klamath Falls. She was apparently snatched from her eco-conscious tiny home in the dead of night. The only clue left behind was a limited edition Oregrown Lifted Pax Era vape. Examining […]

Magnetic Tray Stash Book

The Library of Bongress… At first look, Stashtray Book Box Bundle looks like your run of the mill leather bound tome. Upon further investigation however one will find that it opens into a veritable one stop shop of smoking accoutrements. A little something you keep hidden from nosy house guests, children, and Philistines alike. Each […]

Hard Cannabis Candies

The candy of your youth meets the medicine of your future… Old Man Witherspoon just rocked the days away on his patio. He always had a bucket of Little Brittons cannabis infused hard candies by his side. He liked to hand them out to his friends in the neighborhood. What he liked most of all […]