The Bzz Box TNS Stash Box

What The Bzz Is All About…

Bees work so hard flying from here to there pollinating plants and flowers, bringing back nectar to the hive to convert to yummy honey, to be harvested by humans, and put in small bear shaped bottles for us to enjoy as sweet treats when we get super high and the munchies hit us super hard. (Bee puke sure tastes great!)

But without these guys, the ecosystems these busy little bees support would quickly fall apart… and so would we. It’s with this bee-inspired eco-consciousness The Bzz Box has created their bamboo built Stash Boxes. Bamboo is far more sustainable than wood from trees in many ways, and this helps the bees survive… which in turn helps us thrive.

Not to mention their high quality craftsmanship and design make this stash box not only eco-friendly, but user friendly as well. Pop it open, pull out papers and the tray, open a hand labeled jar with some fresh green goodness, and roll away into a stoney day. After all, what’s the best way to relax a busy little bee? Blow some sweet smoke in his face.

We can easily say we love our New Smoker etched Bzz Box that is [...]

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