FERO Flower

A Customizable High… You’re a modern man or woman and you know just want you want. You leave nothing to chance because uncertainty is not what you built your empire on. Your choice of cannabis is important to you, tailormade for a specific experience. For instance, if you’re planning on taking a run up Mount […]

CBD Truffles

An evolved truffle… Your uncle Giuseppi has been living with you for several months now. He came from Italy with his truffle hunting pig named Lorenzo. It was Lorenzo who financed the trip to America by being the best truffle hunting pig that side of the Rubicon. There was nary a truffle his big snout […]

HUF Potleaf Sock

HUF & Puf & Blow Your Socks Off… As vintage rock band shirts once worn by rebels, then prized by the thrift shop connoisseurs, and now homogenized and reproduced by Target, so cannabis culture begins to merge with the mainstream. Riding the fine line and taking it in sock softened strides are these pot leaf print […]

CBD Soothing Skin Cream

Humble Beginnings… We’re sorry. Please forgive us, we don’t mean to be a bother. We can come back another time if you are busy. We don’t know why you would even read to our insignificant words trying to fill your magnificent mind. We are beneath the glory that is you. Not to presume, but if […]

Gummies Plus Ganja

Gummy Plus Ganja Equals Goodness… You love a good gummy. Squishy sugary tart yumminess that makes your mouth as happy as cannabis makes your mind. If only you could eat some yummy gummies Plus get as high as a kite. Well you’re in luck! Plus confectionaries have created Cannabis Infused Gourmet Gummies for such a […]

Genius Pipe

E = MC420… Genius is a term thrown around loosely these days. The “Genius” Bar always seems full of fools. Saying “that’s genius” for someone’s idea to open a beer with their teeth, seems a bit of a stretch. Even the show Genius about Einstein and Picasso seems to show how human they are, and […]

Cannabis Cupcakes

Cupcake 2.0… That sound you hear like a ghostly hummingbird near your ear is Betty Crocker wagging her finger from the great beyond; shocked at the current state of desserts. Cupcakes have always been a confectionary mainstay in the American diet. A treat to be shared amongst friends or a reward for job well done. […]

Removable Weed Wallpaper

For Your Sinsemilla Sanctuary… Some people enjoy smoking weed now and again. Some people love a bit of it everyday. But you, you love the good herb so much you don’t just want to smoke it every second of everyday. You want to roll it up, crawl right in, and live inside of it! You […]

Smoking Wallet

One Smokin’ Hot Wallet… What a total newbie has in their wallet: Wallet is usually some sort of Velcro with a Batman insignia on it. Has a very old condom tucked away next to a picture of his “sweetheart” who broke up with him last year. Has a Dave & Busters card, a MasterCard (that […]


Bee good to yourself… Two of Vermont’s greatest contributions are delicious honey and an abundant love for weed. The third greatest contribution of course is the annual “Maple Syrup Jubilee” that showcases Vermont’s wide array of maple syrup related theatrical plays, local artists specializing in maple syrup motifs, and the ever popular Maple Syrup Electric […]