Synergy in vaping…
The Terrapen, or shall we says Terrapens, are a four point attacks system created by Legion of Bloom to address pain, sleeplessness, mental fog and sluggishness. You must choose wisely though. If you somehow are not good at choosing, or are generally unwise, allow us to help.
Have you, for instance, been lying on your bed counting gold leafs from the ornate mural of a Roman bath house you had commissioned last Spring? Are you tossing and turning, replaying old episodes of Diners and Drive-ins from memory? You need to sleep, thus the Re:lax pen is for you.
Are you stuck in a fugue state, wearing the same bath robe and hosing down your lawn for inordinate amounts of time? Do you not feel anymore? Please try the RE:vive pen for some added energy!
Cramming for that real estate license huh? Afraid getting stoned may get in the way? Well it may but the RE:zen pen may just help achieve that mental clarity you are so craving.
Oh, by the looks of that limp you got we sense you are in pain. You make sounds akin to a dinosaur when you get off the couch and we see you tearing up as you walk to the mailbox. Pain be free!! Vape on that RE:lieve Terrapen and get your life back, young buck. Align those chakras and march forward!