Ye’ Olde Sweet Relief…
Tis’ the apothecarist’s creed to do no harm. To help heal the wounds of the soul and the vessel for which it resides in or perhaps around? To sample a drop or two of Sweet Jane tinctures from Humbolt Apothecary may be a good way to find out. To get to the bottom of life’s most vexing questions by basking in the glow of CBD and THC oils.
A wide variety of them to boot. A tincture as seemingly varied as the states of consciousness you dwell in from day to day and hour to hour. Infinitesimal measurements of time that are but an illusion anyway. For it is the moment that matters most and how you choose to spend it. Such is the case for the tincture you seek. To help you access that deepest part of you. That part that calls out to be healed and electrified all at once.