Customizable Wood Dugout Kit

Match your Monograms

You know the problem: you’ve monogrammed all your dress shirts, your cardigan sweaters, your ascot scarfs, your hand and body towels, even all your silk napkins. But every time you pull out your pipe stash to pack and puff some of that good green stuff, something’s missing. You feel… unfinished. Incomplete. You look down at your wooden dugout and finally you see what you’re missing. You see what isn’t there. Your dugout is monogram-less and you are ever the poorer for it!

Fret no longer! Elevate Accessories makes a luxury wood dugout kit with a glass one-hitter that you can even get monogrammed! (Finally!)

Their tritone-colored dugout includes a stash storage for herbs, and a beautiful glass one-hitter.

If stealthiness is your goal, this Elevate dugout doubles as the best traveling companion as you won’t need to carry your supplies in a separate container. Simply slip this dugout into a pocket, or bag, and you have everything you need for the perfect stealthy spy smoking experience, like you’re the James Bond of bud.

And don’t worry if fancy ain’t your thang, you can monogram all kinds of naughty words and give them as gag gifts instead. Just make [...]

Maple Orbiter

Ground Control To Majorly High

Ground Control to Marjorly High

Take your pro-pot pills and be that stoney guy
Ground Control to Majorly High (ten puffs, nine puffs, eight puffs, seven puffs, six puffs)
Commencing grinding, grab your Magic Flight (five puffs, four puffs, three puffs)
Check battery ignition and may Jah’s love be with you (two puffs, one puff, liftoff!)

Evoke Vapor


If Flash Gordon somehow landed on Middle Earth during the Lord of The Rings and made a vaporizer for Gandalf and all the hobbits to cleanly enjoy their primo homegrown pipe-weed, he might have made something like this ceramic and wood vape by Evoke…

…and then the whole trilogy might have been a lot shorter with a lot more laser-blasting Orcs and spaceships fighting dragons.

3- 6 Strain Cannador

Not your Grandpa’s humidor. Preservation and protection do not only apply to National Parks, inter-city bridge and tunnels, and the back catalogue of the Jonas brothers. It is now de rigueur for any self styled cannabis aficionado. Putting the Can in Cannador, this herb humidor will keep your bud as fresh and sticky as the day […]

Chikuno Cube

“Air Filter for the discerning Air Purist” We are in no way suggesting your herb may be impure or offensive to the olfactory senses, but your mother-in-law who is visiting from Muncie, Indiana this weekend may not share your affinity for the dankness of your buds. This is where Rikumo’s Chikuno Cube House Air Purifier […]

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