Ritual Tincture

Schedule your high…

Typical Weekday Schedule:

9am: Visit dispensary and purchase Ritual Tincture.

9:12am: Scatter chicken bones in the parking lot and howl like a wolf.

10:00am: Report to work at the widget factory.

10:44am: Silently whisper to yourself, “If I make one more widget I’m going to burn this factory down.”

11am: Excuse yourself to the lavatory and take a few drops of Ritual Tincture to reel yourself back from the brink of insanity. Take a few extra drops because you deserve it. If caught explain it away as medicine for your chronic dry skin. (Make up a very convoluted medical sounding word if pressed.)

11:30am – 4pm: Smoooooooth sailing.

4pm – 6pm: If sails no longer smooth and possibly even choppy take a few more drops of Ritual Tincture to help you combat the grind.

7pm – 8pm: Sailing is no longer sailing in water but a different sort of interdimensional space sail that is neither smooth nor choppy nor actually even there. What does the word sail even mean and why are we even here?

8pm -10pm: Become non-linear. Have another Ritual drop or two to achieve “Hero Status.” This is customary when straddling two worlds.

10pm – midnight: Dispense with all matter.

Midnight till wake up: Fall into [...]

Queen’s Kit

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Pet CBD Tincture

Chill dog, chill… Your wife’s Pomeranian, Mr. Hugsworth, is giving you trouble again. She dresses him up in little outfits, gives him human food and swears he is an angel. Yet, when she leaves the house his true colors start to show. He chews up the furniture, barks at anything that isn’t nailed down, and […]

Emerald Alchemy Tincture

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Cannatonic Tonic

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Cured Spices

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Playing fetch has never felt so good… Mr. Snugglesworth is a Yellow Labrador who is advanced in age. He no longer darts across the yard like he once did, nor does he challenge the mailman like in days gone by. When the tennis ball rolls under the Barcalounger Mr. Snugglesworth just stares off into the […]

Fiddler’s Greens

High notes on the high seas… Legend has it that a life spent sailing the high seas is rewarded in the afterlife, where a fiddle never stops playing, dancers never stop dancing and mirth follows you for eternity. Fiddler’s Greens tincture is here to let you know that you need not wait for sailor’s paradise to […]

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KannaKrill CBD Relief for Pets

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