Marley Natural Glass Spoon

Classy Glassy…

Marley Natural coming through with the classy travel companion made of glass and wood. Perfect for enjoying while out on your glass bottom yacht, or for winding down in your cherrywood lined lobster humidor. The sort of understated piece one might wave into the air as they are making a point about the cerebral subtleties of the new Gorilla Glue strain.

“I do say ol’ boy (puff, puff) I find myself higher than ever right now. A veritable triumph of single origin green-thumbery! Bravo!” As you admire the ergonomic design and brush off the ashes from your monogrammed smoking jacket. The one with the elbow pads.

Nothing classier than wood, glass, & elbow pads.


K. Haring Glass

Tag! You’re it… A hammer style pipe decorated with the iconic images of street artist Keith Haring. Throw on your bomber jacket and turtle shell Adidas and meet us on the Lower East Side. Bring your K. Haring Spoon Pipe and help us relive the caustic 80’s. Spark a bowl between subway cars and subvert […]

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