Welcome to the anti anti-serum…

DEFYNT introduces a CBD concentrated skincare line to let your true beauty shine through. It helps if you are already beautiful of course. If you are very difficult to look at and have fish scale skin and offensive odor than this product will still help, but you have a long road to hoe. So for the sake of argument let’s just say that you don’t scare off children. Then welcome to beauty town, muthafucka.

Apply liberally to rejuvenate your skin and relax your loins. (Don’t ask us where the loins are located by the way. We think it’s somewhere near the pelvis but nobody can be sure). What we are sure about however is that your skin should be as luminescent and smooth as you imagine yourself to be after a killer dab session. Stop being a follower and cease all aging at once!! What’s that? You haven’t the power to stop time? It’s always something with you people.

A CBD integrated skincare regimen will just have to do…


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