A Pot for Pot

“All You Need To Grow Home Weed… Expect For The Seeds!”  Or: “Grow Kits For The Hortically Challenged!” Or: “You Put Your Pot In There!” Or: “Growing For Dumb Dumbs!”

You stand gobsmacked at the rows of perfect cannabis plants that line the backyard of your favorite neighbor. The one that regales you with stories of 12 foot plants and buds as big as your head. The nugs he gifts you from time to time are a testament to his green thumb and generosity.

You envy him and covet his plants and secretly curse your ineptitude when it comes to keeping plants alive. You still mourn for those tomato plants you butchered within two weeks time. The guilt was simply too much and so you swore off gardening for good.

Don’t be that guy. Where there is a weed, there is a way. Introducing the “All you need to grow home weed kit” with A Pot For Pot. You provide the seeds and they provide the accoutrements to make your pot plant nursery dreams come true. A dummy proof way to grow the plants you were meant to smoke. Stop annoying your neighbor and be the gardener you were meant to be.


Sweet Leaf Clutch

She’s a Killer Clutch… This ain’t no: Me and my girls going out for a “crazy” Saturday night at the clubs in the “Big City” waiting in line most the night, only to dance around our purses til closing time… kind of clutch. This is a: hold my clutch cuz this guy trying to grab my ass on this […]

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