Cannabis Cures…
One imagines a world in the distant future where books like “Why Cannabis is Medicine” by Leafwell is seen as an essential text in alternative medicine. A place free from Big Pharma where people take agency for their bodies and are free to cultivate their own remedies. Tune in, drop out and crack open “Why Cannabis is Medicine” to educate one’s self on an array of ways to treat illnesses free from harmful side effects and without breaking the bank. A fool’s errand you say? The same may have been said about legalized marijuana but trends are pointing to a promising direction.
The benefits of cannabis have been documented throughout the ages. This book encapsulates how it can work for you and how it can better heal our world. Imagine a place where every household contains medicinal marijuana guides such as this in the same way you find recipe books or Reader’s Digest. Do people still read Reader’s Digest?