Toast Premium Pre-rolls

The Toasted of the town…

“A slice of Toast is what those who hobnob amongst the ganja-glitterati say when they desire a top shelf joint. A typical scenario goes something like this: You are sitting out on the veranda at The Prince of Monaco’s birthday party. The energy at this party is electric and the cool Mediterranean breezes make you want to melt into the night air. A dapper gentleman leans against the Steinway & Son and you turn to him. You say, “I would love a slice of Toast.”

Without missing a step the young man reaches into the breast pocket of his Gucci suit and you soon catch glimpse of that royal purple and gold leaf filter. He hands you a slice and you know deep down that everything will be alright. You thank him and take a few longs pulls. Just then a bejeweled young socialite traipses over to you and gasps, “What a magnificent cigarette?” The record scratches, the prince drops his Chablis, the Emir casts a judging eye, security reach for their earbuds, a scream is heard off into the [...]


A calm balm… Have little qualm about this releaf balm and it’s capacity to calm. If it’s relief you seek from a stressful week let’s get cheek to cheek so I can show you something unique. It’s a pain relief topical, the THC is nominal, in no way toxical with the quality so methodical. If […]

Cloudious9 – Hydrology9

Flashback To The Future

Ever spaced-out looking at that lava lamp in your college dorm room and thought “Man, I wish I could smoke weed outta that…” Well, now you can!

Ever thought “I wish I could vape herb out of my glass bong at that rave without a lighter” You sure can!

Ever wondered “Why am I enjoying slightly kissing this glass mouth piece so much?” No? Just us? K.

Cloudious 9 puts it all together beautifully, dare we say sensually (still just us? K.) with Hydrology9. The electronic glass herbal vape-bong that lights up like an LED Lava Lamp to bring your flashback to the future!

HERB: Mastering Cooking with Cannabis

High dining. You’re on cloud nine because finally you’ve met “The One”! (Also maybe because you just smoked a big ol’ bowl). You two have SO many things in common: breathing air, blinking, eating food… but most importantly you share your love for the good good green. She’s the bombest. So you’ve decided it’s time to […]

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