Marley Natural: Smoking Accessories

“Got To Have Kaya Now…”

 Breaking from the time-trapped Rastafarian image originally introduced to the world by Bob Marley himself in the 1970’s, the Marley family has let go of the past and embraced the 21 century with their new high class brand: Marley Natural. Using the natural feel of wood and glass, they’ve beautifully balanced the soft sense of the old country with the modern edge of the new world with their stylish smoking accessories.

We recommend grabbing one of their elegant glass water pipes or bubblers. Or if you like to roll we suggest the High Roller BundleA beautifully functional matched set of accessories perfect for artisan’s abode.

The High Roller Bundle includes:

– A uniquely grained black walnut Small Rolling Tray,

– The heirloom quality Small Herbal Grinder

– Six reusable Glass Filter Tips that prevent ash or debris from interrupting your smoke.

– All of the black walnut wood is sustainably sourced from North America.

– Tray includes a wooden scraper for easy preparation.

– Grinder Materials: Wood, Aluminum Alloy


The Rocket Grinder

The Perfect Pocket P… Grinder.

Still trying to break up bud in your lap in your car after pulling it out of that folded up piece of binder paper you just got from that guy at work? Ain’t nobody got time for that!

Just carry a Rocket Grinder keychain like a pro. It’s a pretty perfect pocket keychain that holds, grinds, and lets you perfectly pour your herb on to you rolling paper. And when needed it even helps you smoke your herb with it’s one hitter mouth piece. Who could ask anything more from a frickin keychain?!

As their tag line says, “Another reason to not forget your keychain at home… stoner.”

(K, we added the stoner part.)

Mendo Mulcher – Aluminum Grinder

Tough as a Tank At the end of WWII, when General Ike MacArthur drove his giant green American star-stamped tank into Berlin, Italy and rammed the barrel of that big tank gun down Adolf Mussolini’s face-throat ending all wars for all time, he felt a certain satisfaction that can’t really be appreciated by the common man… until […]

SLX Grinder

Stepping up the grinder game. This SLX Grinder is the new and improved 2.0 version, which means faster operating system, more security and better over all multi-platform integration… wait. Sorry, that’s Microsoft’s future Grinder-PC we’re thinking of… This “no stick” herb grinder has redesigned teeth and screens that will allow your herb to grind in a friction free environment, and […]

24K Gold Plated Elite Grinder

Chopping up grass for the golden class. Elite Series 24k gold plated Phoenician grinder has taken the reigns as the Rolls Royce of grinders. Impress your friends and horrify your accountant with this ultimate sign of cannabis decadence. When having a nickel plated or even silver coated 4 piece grinder simply won’t do, the Elite Series grinder […]


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