Don’t Go Chasin’ Waterfalls…
Unless it’s an Infinity Waterfall gravity water pipe. Then you should not only chase one of these elegant glass Waterfalls, but you should run to the ends of the earth to get one. Now since this world is round and not flat (sorry, flatearthers!), there is no edge to run to.
So instead, you might have to run run run as fast as you can, as fast as the Flash racing Superman, spinning around the globe a few times every minute… until you break the space/time barrier and Turn Back Time to before Cher sang about it; before the industrial revolution, before the modern era, before the pyramids… but before you end up in the last Ice Age, you stop so quickly you break Earth’s gravity and shoot off into far flung space, speeding near the speed of thought into the great expanse that is the Universe, onto Infinity & beyond…! And lucky for you they sell Infinity Waterfall water pipes out in inifinite space. (Which is where you wanted to end up in the first place!)
So pick one up while you’re out at the edges of space… which is apparently flat? (Flat-space… sure that sounds about right as anything.) [...]