Miracle Bud Leaf
Oracle at Delph-high… Forget toking on tarot cards, Urban Outfitter’s Miracle Bud Leaf will help guide you through the weed wonder-dome that is your head high. This sinsemilla sorcery is today’s Fortune Telling Fish palm reader, or if you want to go really old school… a kinder version of chicken bones. The sort that would be […]

Cat Nip Joints
A more elevated meow mix… All those judging glances have been decoded. Your cat(s) have been wondering all along when you will be done bogarting that fat spliff and include them in the cipher. The time has come and the Meowijuana catnip joints are just the thing to put man and feline on an even […]

TPB Kitty Love Waterpipe
The bong with nine lives… I got these here tats’ on my back to remind me of my ex-wives. One meaner and more venomous than the next. Remind me to keep away… I got these here patches on my leather jacket to honor all the counties I raised Cain in and all the roadhouses I […]