Biscotti Italian Cannabis Brand

Say arrivederci to reality.
Foto scattata da @dvstyyy via IG @biscottibrands

You are taking pinpoint turns on the corniches in your ’69 Alfa Romeo Spider. Your Hermès scarf whips in the wind as you lose yourself in the azure skies of the French Riviera. You’ve arrived in Monte Carlo and soon pull up to the Grand Casino. You slip out of your convertible as bulbs flash all around you. You know how to make an entrance so you reach into your pocket for your Calibri and light up your Biscotti Brand prerolled joint as you wave to your admirers.

The concierge greets you with an ashtray and a flute of Prosecco. You casually hand him a Ben Franklin or two and ask to be led to the craps table. The croupier admires your artfully rolled Biscotti joint and you offer him a puff. The entire casino is intoxicated by your air of defiance and class. You let your chips ride on black simply because it matches your Ferragamo wingtips. You win big of course because winning is all you know. A platinum blonde sashays [...]

RELAX Bath Soak

A woke soak Have you ever wanted to tea bag yourself? Wait! No, that didn’t come across right. Let’s try this; Have you ever wanted to crawl inside a tea bag and then let yourself sink into a large tub of water? Hmmmm, better but I don’t think it’s quite right. How about this; You […]


The spoils of CBD oils… FLWRFOOD presents a topical and oral CBD oil to help you get a grip on anxiety and pain relief. Use liberally and don’t worry about driving your forklift stoned, or meeting the in-laws with bloodshot eyes. These tinctures are non-psychoactive and organically made from premium cannabinoids. This natural antioxidant and […]

Citrus ACAI Lift

A quick lift and a giant shift By Lenny’s own account he was nothing before Dixie Elixir. He could only recall glimpses of a mundane existence spent on the hamster wheel of humanity. Just another cog in the giant machinery of life. His friend (a true friend indeed) had witnessed the embers of a long […]

Johnny Apple CBD

Seeding the land with CBD… –Except from the Epic of Johnny AppleCBD “Oh, CBD’s been good to me. And so I thank the Lord For giving me the things I need: The sun, the rain and the CBD; Oh, the CBD’s been good to me. Oh, and every seed I sow Will grow into a […]


When life slips you bud butter, make canna-cookies. You wake up late for an important meeting at the office. You stumble blurry-eyed down the stairs to the kitchen to start the new coffee maker on the counter. You push all of the buttons to try and get it to turn on. Hearing it start, you […]

The Source

Just What Your Countertop Needs… another appliance!

Growing at home but don’t know what to do with all that extra trim? Don’t just bake bad batch bud brownies with it, concentrate it in your kitchen! Looking like just another kitchen counter-top blender (because you don’t have enough random cooking gear you barely use on your counter top already…) The Source is a safe, clean, kitchen-safe appliance that uses vacuum and gentle warming to extract and concentrate essential oils. Like everything these days, there’s an app for that.


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