
Leave The Odor, Take The High…

The call was made. The hit was a go. The mark is a familiar culprit; cannabis sativa. Turns out some local rubes got themselves in a bind. They need their smoked out dwelling turned into a heavenly scented temple of olfaction and they need it quick. Such an act can well be called a Cannabolish. The mysterious act of pot deodorization and aerial rejuvenation.

As fumbling and fallible humans we sometimes have a tendency to smother the very thing that we love. That is not good. Except in the case of eradicating pot odor in just a few sprays. Cannabolish Deodorizer gets that you may have to hit the brakes on a smoke sesh’ when reality knocks.

Personally, you love the smell, so does your wife, so do your neighbors and so do most of your close friends. Your boss, mother-in-law or kid’s math tutor on the other hand may not share your affinity. In such cases it’s always best to err on the side of caution. So you make the hard call and you Cannabolish that lingering pot odor with extreme prejudice. They’ll be plenty of time to sort through the smells later.


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