
Waked n Baked n Wired

Not that jazzed about the day in front of you at the office having to file alphabetically all the company’s pay check reports for fiscal year ’06-’07 again -in triplicate hard copies that no one reads anymore- then stash them in the pile in the basement with the others, only to be used for the incinerator next winter…? Then grab a cannabis-infused Pot-o-Coffee K-cup for the office Keurig and make the day go by soooooooooooo much better.

Pot-o-Coffee: When your job sucks but your day doesn’t have to.



Pot Potted Pottery When Aunt Mary moved to Bolinas in the late 70s to quicken her divorce, she took up three things to help her transition into impending singlehood: a craft pottery class at the Marin community college; a new appreciation for growing good grass in the backyard; and a lively affair with the young pottery professor himself… who, […]

Peace & Wellness Infused Coffee

Making Monday morning suck a helluva lot less, one cup at a time. Monday mornings suck. Steve from accounting always has shit news. Peggy from HR always wants you to sack Steve from accounting. The interns are always hungover and wandering around like idiots. You’ve got a lot on your plate. But you got this, […]

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