Cannadips Cannabis Pouches

“Thank Jah, I’m a country boy…”

Ol’ Hank was a country boy who came from a long line of prideful lumberjack men. Years spent clearin’ brush and swingin’ a pickaxe started to take it’s toll on him though. Ol’ Hank. Or Buzzsaw Hank, as the fellas down at the pool hall liked to call him these days, on the count of him being too worn down to swing a hatchet. The fellas gave him hell for resortin’ to an electric saw to cut wood. Ol’ Hank had reached the end of his tether and questioned the worth of his beard and flannel shirt. Then he remembered hearin’ from a guy he used to corral pigs with that smoking marijuana was a means to fix what’s hurtin’ you.

He knew he didn’t want to smoke on the count of his pappy crossing over due to the black lung. He recoiled at edibles. Called them “elite”. Prided himself on eating only pure honey when it came to sweets. Would fist beehives in the wild to get a fix. Then Ol’ Hank discovered Cannadips. A cannabis dip or “chew” that harkened back to the days of the spittoon and outlaw saloon. It rebel-yelled to Hank [...]

L’eela CBD

Feel the heal… Have you recently carved the word  “Slayer” into your forearm? Are you experiencing difficulties recovering from your most questionable and recent self-immolation? L’eela CBD infused bodycare lotions uses whole plant hemp extracts to help regenerate your damaged skin. Four out of five death metal enthusiasts turn to CBD skincare products like that of […]

Shira Synergy

An Unaligned Chakra as an Unhappy Chakra… Spritz… spritz… spritz. This is the siren song of your favorite aunt who always sends you a crystal for your birthday. She swears by CBD, which she claims did wonders for her bad skin and road rage. She is even invited to family outings these days. A big […]

Charlotte’s Web CBD

A Web of Relaxation… Wilbur’s relationship with a barn spider named Charlotte was a complicated one. At first things were awkward because Wilbur is a pig and Charlotte is a spider and those two normally don’t hang out. When Charlotte learned of Wilbur’s impending slaughter she took some CBD tincture and thought hard on how […]

Bacon Apple Pet Donuts

Give a dog a bone, feed him for a day. Teach a dog to fetch, play with him for a lifetime… Those are the wise words of famed dog philosopher Sir Nigel Bellyrubs. As director of the Center for Good Boys he is excited about new CBD containing products currently out on the market. None […]

Not Pot

Bears for Squares… Nobody said you have to get baked in this new Green Rush. The lovely thing about CBD is you get to hang on to that sober outlook while still enjoying the therapeutic benefits of premium endocannabinoids. Not Pot CBD Gummies are shaped like miniature albino bears ready to squeeze the pain and […]

Plain Jane CBD Smokes

Hemp Side Story… “The CBD Boys” was a gang comprised of mostly progressive and upwardly mobile young street toughs from the Bowery section of New York. Known for their ethically conscious leather jackets and laid back demeanor they could be seen at one of any number of local juice spots puffing away on their Plain […]

Deep Relief Gummies

How Deep Is Your Sleep…? From 300 to 1500mg, Deep Relief CBD gummies deliver a sense of calm that goes from deep to deepest. A veritable chasm of relief that you may be surprised to find within you. Like an infinite well in which any number of townsfolk could cast stones inside of, and to […]

CBD Infused Coffee

Wake Up & Relax… You like to tell people you’re a morning person. You say you love the quiet as the sun comes up and the rest of the world is just rising. But the truth is true morning people wake up fresh and excited for the day and need nothing to get going. But […]

Fresh Water

So Fresh & So Clean… When is water not just water? When it’s Fresh Water! CBD infused water made from the finest cannabis derived essence. It’s like if air wasn’t just air but was filled with some magical mist that gave you more than just life giving oxygen, but also gave you a reason to live. […]

ZOMA Cannabis

Stylin’ & Profilin’… ZOMA is not some new modern art museum they’re building in DTLA that looks like a frustrated architect wadded up a yet another failed blueprint design and threw the crumpled paper to the contractor and said, “Screw it, build that.” No, ZOMA is a boutique L.A based cannabis company that seems to go […]

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