The New Smoker is the world’s first brand magazine to emphasis “bringing class to grass” and start elevating cannabis culture. We look beyond the cannabis cliches of “stoner”, “slacker”, “hippy”, “rasta”, “thug”, etc… to show that people who enjoy cannabis are “normal”. We believe cannabis is something to be praised, not shunned. We believe cannabis is apart of everyday life, not some aberration.
Our aim is to elevate cannabis culture from being considered an outsider’s subculture, to acknowledging its real place in today’s modern lifestyle. As much as wine is openly woven into our daily lives, so is cannabis… only it’s been stuck in the shadows of prohibition. We are just here to shine a light on this emerging culture by moving away from the old stereotyped cannabis cliches, and revealing the real faces and voices of the modern marijuana movement… and much more.
Though The New Smoker is cannabis-centric, it is more of a lifestyle with many non-cannabis related articles, and features more mainstream brands mixed in with cannabis-based brands.
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