CBD Salve-ation…
She was a bonafide balm nut and she loved it. Effervescent and carefree she travelled with no less than a four pack of Made From Dirt’s CBD Balm and Salve. When people asked her what her secret was she’d smile that coy smile of her’s and whisper, “CBD.”
She liked to go hiking near her home in the Adirondacks. She’d grind it out for miles on her favorite trail. She’d apply Sunflower Salve to her face to keep the grime off and keep her looking as young as her boyfriend tells her she is. She never doubted him because she was as confident about her choice in men as she was about her taste in CBD.
When she’d get back to her cabin after a long day of putting in mileage in the backcountry she’d generously apply some Peppermint Pain Salve because her hikes were not for the faint of heart. She loved to curl up with a good book in her nook and dose off. Just to make sure her dozing was on point however she’d slather on a bit of that Sleep Balm for good measure. Before long she caught a ride on the shut eye express knowing that she did herself right for another day.