Welcoming the days of Haze…
Upon first glance the new Haze V3.0 Vaporizer looks like a futuristic speaker for cyborgs but upon closer inspection it becomes evident that this is a multi-purpose vaporizer specializing in cannabis consumption of any form. Dry herb? Yes, of course. Liquid? Oh yes, have at it. Concentrate? They shant leave that out. Cryogenic plasma cores? One day perhaps.
In many ways the Haze Vaporizer exists to satiate our boundless need for choices. “It’s Monday and me thinks I’m in the mood for dry herb.” The Haze abides. “Oh, it’s Tuesday again and I ran out of herb but my aunt Peg is visiting and she has some ridiculous concentrate from her shaman/yoga instructor and I think I’ll ask her for some.” The Haze abides. Don’t forget about hash oil Wednesdays either (it’s a thing). The Haze can tell you a thing or two about that as well.
So, keep it interesting and keep it classy and store your Haze Vaporizer in a place of honor. May we suggest a revolving glass jar atop your mantle? Just a little something to let your guests know that in your house you possess the ability to smoke whatever form of THC you hath brought to the table.