Good as gold
Framing plants is a thing. Framing gilded plants? Also a thing.
WTF, you ask? It’s called “being swanky”, mutha-fucka!! (insert Hank Mooney voiceover sample). And nothing says swank more decisively than framed golden cannabis leaves by London’s Silke Spingies on display in all the important places of your home and office. Full swank. Full stop.
Apparently, these gilded cannabis leaves also make excellent gifts. Etsy recommends it. These works of art seem particularly appropriate for Father’s Day, and presumably Dad’s birthday, too. Who knew? We did. Your dad’s a classy guy. So don’t be cheap, man. Get him what he wants, even needs… golden cannabis leaf paintings for his bedroom, bathroom, and obviously his study, filled with rich mahogany and many leather bound books that still hide his old stash from the ’70s.