Yabba dabba dope…
You put the pipe on the bolt and you dab them both up. You put the pipe on the bolt and you dab them both up…. That is what you’ll be singing when you wrap your lips around the Dabado Glass Orbit Vaporizer. It does away with the need for a lighter and thus sheds itself of the stigma attached with dabbing. Simply place the elaborate glass piece on top of the quick heating Bolt and with the aid of an included quartz, titanium or ceramic nail enjoy that deep dab taste without haste.
This is one stylish and elaborate rig that would best fit in the workspace of a mad scientist or intrepid psychonaut of course. The only thing separating you from dab heaven is the click of a button. Never has it been so acceptable, sleek and easy to experience the thick clouds of the dab express. Catch a ride and yell, “Yabba Dabado!” when you get there. Make sure to buckle in.