Sun worshippers…
Cypress Cannabis is a California estate grower that embraces sustainability by embracing the sun. We mean that figuratively of course, because no man or woman has the arm length to completely embrace the sun. It’s far too large and far too hot. Your arms and probably your torso, feet, and face would melt into a horrific ooze before you got anywhere near the darn thing. Nevermind the issue of transport. Who the hell is going to build a rocketship that will dare take you to the sun’s edge and then allow a spacewalk so you can foolishly hug the sun? Have you given this no thought??
Stay local, within the Earth’s atmosphere preferably. Smoke a joint of Fruity Pebblez under your beloved Cypress tree. The same one you and your childhood sweetheart Belinda carved your initials onto that one rainy April day when you promised her the world but could only offer up a Newport cigarette and a bowl of shake.
If it’s space you want then smoke up dear friends and you will need no rocket propelled sun embracer. You will require only your mind and an iron will to get higher than the brightest star.