Modern Pipe or Modern Art…?
If it’s good enough for the Hoover Dam, the Roman Parthenon and the Panama Canal, it’s good enough for your damn smoking pipe. We see the way you judge concrete. Don’t think we don’t. The way you drive by that old viaduct and give it evil glances. The way you leer at City Hall in all it’s concrete majesty or the obvious way you shudder every time you are forced to drive on your local concrete freeway and it’s many, many concrete bridges.
You never look at marble that way or even exposed brick for that matter. No, you just can’t get enough of those building materials. You have been raised to despise concrete despite it’s ubiquity and it’s necessity. SHAME!
Perhaps it’s time you smoke your beloved weed out of a pure white OPUS concrete pipe and then see how you feel about it. Maybe then and only then will you give it it’s just desserts. It doesn’t ask much. Only that you embrace it’s utility and smoke a bowl out of it and next time you see someone mixing concrete… Thank them.