We Reap What We Sow…
The Clancy’s had dreamed of a Humboldt Harvest for some time now. One fateful day they gathered their things and loaded up the ol’ Volvo station wagon. Old man Clancy had suffered from restlessness all his life. The missus was plagued with chronic pain. Even junior had a bad case of lethargy. He called it “the doldrums.”
They decided that the solution to their ills lied in the healing power of CBD tincture oil. They tried it once before and wonders it did work. So they made the arduous journey over many a freeway ad county road and arrived in Humboldt with a Uhaul trailer filled with farming equipment. They bought themselves a nice parcel of land and started to till the soil. They spread their cannabis seeds towards the horizon and waited with bated breath.
Come spring time they would reap what they sowed and find respite from their troubles. They processed their bounty for it’s regenerative CBD and made it into the tincture oil they craved. Tailor made for what ailed them. A 13:1 Sleep tincture for dad, a Restore blend for mom and a Relief tincture for Junior. The Clancy clan had never been closer nor more clear eyed and zestful. A Humbolt Harvest well-earned and enjoyed.