Firefly 2

Sci-Fi High You need to ask yourself if the Firefly 2 is just a vaporizer, or if it’s an ancient alien relic left behind by an evolved space race in hopes that mankind can tap into it’s potent power and unlock universal truths. Portable, customizable and efficient, this is the go-to vaporizer for the elite alien-worshiping […]

Chill, Hustle, Zero

Puffs like sugar… sugar kisses Remember that super cute edgy girl you simultaneously had a mad crush on and were scared shittless by in high school? She would walk by in class or in the halls, and the young babe-breeze she created as she brushed by you would smell like messy cherry-lipstick, vanilla-smacked gum, with weed & […]

Aurora Vaporizer Pen

Magnetic personality

Nothing worse than trying to unscrew your friend’s fave vape pen you borrowed at the festival camp grounds to put more wax in it, only to have it stick stuck shut forcing you to twist so hard to unstick it you break it. And now you’re all screwed for the rest of Coachella cuz that’s the only kind of weed you brought cuz you were “playing it safe” on your road trip to get there. Well, Dr. Dabber was thinking of you when they created the sleek slick magnetic-attaching Aurora vape pen.

Now all you have to worry about is how to get back from the Do LaB space to your tent with your new cute friend before the Molly wears off.


The great vape escape “Discretion is the perfection of reason, and a guide to us in all the duties of life” The famed poet and novelist Sir Walter Scott said that… before going bankrupt and dying of Typhus. It’s the Higherlighter‘s discretion that lends this rather sleek vape pen from Bloomfarms its clandestine cache. Easily tucked away like those […]

Evoke Vapor


If Flash Gordon somehow landed on Middle Earth during the Lord of The Rings and made a vaporizer for Gandalf and all the hobbits to cleanly enjoy their primo homegrown pipe-weed, he might have made something like this ceramic and wood vape by Evoke…

…and then the whole trilogy might have been a lot shorter with a lot more laser-blasting Orcs and spaceships fighting dragons.

Cloudious9 – Hydrology9

Flashback To The Future

Ever spaced-out looking at that lava lamp in your college dorm room and thought “Man, I wish I could smoke weed outta that…” Well, now you can!

Ever thought “I wish I could vape herb out of my glass bong at that rave without a lighter” You sure can!

Ever wondered “Why am I enjoying slightly kissing this glass mouth piece so much?” No? Just us? K.

Cloudious 9 puts it all together beautifully, dare we say sensually (still just us? K.) with Hydrology9. The electronic glass herbal vape-bong that lights up like an LED Lava Lamp to bring your flashback to the future!

Pax 3

Digitally High

PAX personal vaporizers might have been called “the iPod of vapes” because of their simple elegant form and one button controls. It also maybe because you can play basic games on it when you’re super baked. (Simon says, true story.)

Just don’t call them a cannabis consuming vaporizer. They’ll evade it left, right and center. Although they’re one of the most popular devices for vaping weed out there, they probably won’t come out of the grow closet until more laws change.

For now they offer the PAX 3 which they claim is “a true dual-use portable vaporizer for both loose leaf and extract”. Loose leaf? Close enough.

PAX 3 is so smart it even heats when you bring it to your lips and cools when you set it down. Next thing you know it’ll talk to you like Siri’s superbaked cousin Stoney. Maybe in the next update.