
The Walking Baked… It’s been 7 years since the world fell. It might be hard for some, but as someone who had the best hoophouse cannabis farm in Upper Mendo 3 years running, you’ve still got the skills to trade. A green thumb for the good green. Having something special to barter goes a long way […]

Dipstick Dipper

When I dip, you dip… To the layman, it is some sort of electronic marker or laser pointer. But to those versed in the burgeoning field of dabenomics, The Dipper is a cutting edge vape pen that works like a traditional vaporizer, but gives you that oh so sweet dab hit. The one all those weed […]

Rocketship Water Pipe

4, 3, 2, & to the 1… Lift off! Snoop Dogg is to bongs what Pete Sampras is to tennis racquets. This stylish water pipe has been given the Doggfather seal of approval, which means big hits and heavy highs. Coolness is the case that they gave you, what with three ice pinches that allow […]

G Pen Elite Vaporizer

Putting the velvet rope around your dope… In an airport that makes sense Executive Vape Lounges are all the rage. A giant atrium where cannabis connoisseurs can puff away before being ferried off to Shanghai on business or mom’s house in Des Moines. There are levels to this thing however. One can smoke a nice […]

Arizer Solo II

The Empire Puffs Back. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… It is a time of civil disobedience. Rebel vaporizers have won their first victory against the evil Darth Vapor. During the battle, rebel spies manage to steal secret plans to the Empire’s ultimate weapon, Arizer Solo II, a dry herb vaporizer […]

Volcano Vaporizer

Viridis, Viridis Herba… It was a Hot Augustus Night in late 79AD, when Neilus Diamondus took to the stage of the Graecum Theatrum in Pompeii and played one of the best lute & lire shows ever seen on a Greek stage for the next 1900 years. Little did everyone know that night, it was also […]

Fez Vape

Smooth & Soulful In the immortal words of the great bard Donald Fagen, from the ’70s musical ensemble Steely Dan, in their smoothest soul song The Fez: “No I’m never gonna do it without the fez on Oh no That’s what I am Please understand I want to be your holy man ” Where “it” means […]

Summit+ Herbal Vape

High Hiking… We step out of the water taxi and onto the small wood boat dock near the old Boyscout Camp at the top of Upper Echo Lake. Our two 50lb backpacks hit the dock with a thud that reverberates in to splashes against the boat as we try to unload ourselves and our gear, […]

W Vapes Golden Gram

Go for the Gold. When the Spanish Conquistadors came to the New World, they had two goals given to them by their King: Bring the Christ and the sword to the heathen savages, but more importantly… find El Dorado and get that gold! So they tore through the Caribbean, ripped into what is now Mexico, dug […]

VapeXhale EVO

Join the EVOlution The VapeXhale EVO vaporizer appears as a black monolith amidst the dense smoke…. And there will be smoke folks. This unit is all about delivering the biggest punch from even the most meager of product. Imagine TV’s Webster with the devastating uppercut of a young Mike Tyson. Now you are starting to […]