Flavors of California

A Craftily Created California Cannabis Cartridge… When trekking and puffing away through the urban cityscapes or the high deserts of California, or really anywhere else where it’s legal, you would be best served with an Alexander Fields vape pen. A stylish rig for your cannabis oil that plays perfect companion piece for all walkabouts into […]

Select CBD Vaporizer Pens

Quality and Clarity… State of the art hardware and natural extracts combine to bring you Select’s CBD vape pens. This won’t get you toasted but it will make you feel toasty. A toke or ten will have you gently traipsing down the country roads of relaxation where you pass several covered bridges amidst a bucolic […]


When it’s always HIGH tide…. Nothing quite matches the highs of riding a never-ending wave amidst azure skies and warm ocean breezes. Although Swell’s vape pens do come close. In fact one never even needs to step foot in the water to experience that all encompassing euphoria. Available in Sativa, Hybrid and Indica, these vape […]

Arizer’s Extreme Q Vaporizer

Darth Vapor… Arizer’s Extreme Q herbal vaporizer appears to have been cobbled from the remnants of a slain Sith Lord. Harnessing the power of a thousand year vendetta, this vaporizer does not require using The Force. It employs an “air assisted whip” (not the dominatrix kind) which brings the vapor to you. Such is the […]

Grasshopper Vape Pen

The Vape-pen’s Pen… Grasshopper’s Vape-pen Pen is what happens to a vape pen after it quits eating carbs and starts to take supplements while maxing out on deadlifts. This is a sleek and strong looking pen with no weakness. It is the Ukraine of vape pens. It’s like a miniature warhead programmed to detonate inside your […]


The Four Horsemen of the Vape-apolypse. From the Book of Elevations… – Elevation 6:1-2 Then I saw when a New Smoker broke one of the four seals from the Bloomfield Vape Kit, and I heard one of the four vaping creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, “Sativa” I looked, and behold, a white […]

Vie Revolution

Viva La Vape! The Revolution has begun. The war on herbal vape price gouging has begun. It is a war of attrition and many dollars have been claimed. Reports from the front lines paint a bleak picture. A middle aged man in Modesto was found to have paid over $300 for a low performing vape […]

Hot Nife

Feel knice with Hot Nife The year is 2120. The Minister of Time Travel has decreed that all time travelers must investigate the 1980’s this month and bring back a general vibe or story that he can pass off to the Minister of Marijuana whose job it is to create a truly superior vape pen […]

Haze V3.O

Welcoming the days of Haze… Upon first glance the new Haze V3.0 Vaporizer looks like a futuristic speaker for cyborgs but upon closer inspection it becomes evident that this is a multi-purpose vaporizer specializing in cannabis consumption of any form. Dry herb? Yes, of course. Liquid? Oh yes, have at it. Concentrate? They shant leave […]

Dose Pens

NOT a pregnancy test… Let us not mince words. Sleek and elegant as it is, the Hmblt Dose Pen looks a lot like a pregnancy test at first glance. You are therefore urged NOT to pee on this pen because we assure you that it will not be a good indicator of impending childbirth. It is […]