Vertly CBD

Self-Careful… For many self-care involves a good wake and bake and perhaps a nice joint or two throughout the day. Just a little something to get in touch with the universal consciousness. For others, a less invasive method may be a luxurious slather of some CBD and vitamin enriched CBD lotion. Such is the CBD […]

Jungle Boys Flower

Jungle Boys Fever… With the current eradication of the world’s rainforests and illegal timber cutting on the rise “Jungle Boys” are under threat of just being called “Boys”.  Keep the “Jungle” in “Jungle Boys” by being a good steward of the earth. How does one become attuned with the Earth we live in you ask? […]

GRAV Sherlock

The Case of The Classy Glass Pipe… A deep bowl for deep crimes one needs to take a healthy pull to get to the heart of the matter. An homage to that most famous of Scotland Yard detectives GRAV labs Mini Classic Sherlock Pipe is the piece de resistance to any intrepid young sleuth looking […]

Sonder Vape

Sondering through your mind… Sonder is a moment of awareness and connectivity with the world around you. Here are three example sentences in which the word sonder can be used: Sentence #1: Pam and Nat just shared a wonderfully large spliff together. Both Pam and Nat are knee deep in fucking sonder right now. Sentence: #2: […]

I am Vitality CBD

Viva Vitality… In Greek mythology Artemis was the goddess of wild animals and hunting. In skincare and wellness circles Artemis is your one stop shop for CBD enriched salves, capsules, and vape pens. The perfect anecdote to a day spent communing with animals deep in the forest: 9:00am: Trap and catch rabbit 10:00: Make rabbit stew […]


Kured CBD Vape… It’s time you made the jump and acquired your own dedicated CBD vape pen. Kured CBD vapes invites you take a step towards CBD culture. Yes, you heard right, CBD, that most prized of phytocannabinoids, has developed itself a culture. It’s epicenter is your local smoke shop that has no doubt wheeled […]

Smoke Honest Pipe

Honesty is the best policy… The future is here and it is a winding pathway of cooled marijuana smoke nestled into a minimalist contraption of airplane aluminum with built-in poker. To set eyes upon the Smoke Honest Pipe is to herald in a new generation of pipes yearning to be smoked. The look borrows from […]

Give Vapes

Say yes to vape clouds & no to mushroom clouds… Be a giver, not a taker. No better way to start than with Give Vapes. Makers of premium happy juice formulated for the best of vibes. Offer a puff to your mailman who trudges your streets with little fanfare or the milkman who’s business is […]

Bacon Apple Pet Donuts

Give a dog a bone, feed him for a day. Teach a dog to fetch, play with him for a lifetime… Those are the wise words of famed dog philosopher Sir Nigel Bellyrubs. As director of the Center for Good Boys he is excited about new CBD containing products currently out on the market. None […]

Nomad Pipe

The Wanderer… In a post-apocalyptic world where resources are scarce the lone nomad must carry with him the essential tools for survival—His samurai sword, his water purifier, chocolate chip cookies and of course his Nomad Pipe by Tetra. A scavenger by trade our nomad seeks out abandoned cannabis farms to fill his spring loaded and […]