Honey Pot Topicals

Top Pot Tops… Col. Moncrief liked to take his cannabis infused honey by the old Palmetto tree. He would spoon out a heaping dollop and hold it up to the sun as a sort of communal experience between civil war veteran and sun. He would mix it in his tea and pine for simpler times. […]

Shira Synergy

An Unaligned Chakra as an Unhappy Chakra… Spritz… spritz… spritz. This is the siren song of your favorite aunt who always sends you a crystal for your birthday. She swears by CBD, which she claims did wonders for her bad skin and road rage. She is even invited to family outings these days. A big […]

SoulSea Botanicals

Like CBD Soup For The Soul… How can one describe the soul? Where is it located and where does it go? Big questions suited for an infinite cosmos. A place we all search for at one level or another. We seek it in the earth, in the air, in the water and all around us. […]

CBD Relief & Recovery

Like A Creamy Joint For Your Joints… There are some people in this galaxy who badly need to relax: Professional wrestlers, pit crews, those guys who get shot out of cannons at the circus, Cobra Commander, Darth Mol, etc. People who generally have no chill… or do they? Relief & Recovery CBD by Sagely could […]

Humble Flower

Herbology & Reflexology: A life science. Before Aunt Denise received her first cannabis oil massage she thought she had known what relaxation was all about. After all, Aunt Denise had a monthly membership to Massage Envy, she owned many scented candles, wore loose fitting pants and she sleeps with a full body pillow. Sometimes she […]

CBD Facial Cream

How perfect is too perfect…? She is stunning. You try not to stare as you each wash your hands at the row of sinks in the women’s restroom. She has to be ten years older than you. Did she used to model? Should you know who she is? Are you even part of the same […]

Awakened Topicals

“An awakened topical is a woke topical” A craft tincture from Awakened Topicals is just the thing to stimulate your third eye. In The Book of Woke it is the third eye that is the pre-eminent passageway to Wokeville, located a bit farther to the left of Enlightenedton. A place where your senses are heightened […]


A calm balm… Have little qualm about this releaf balm and it’s capacity to calm. If it’s relief you seek from a stressful week let’s get cheek to cheek so I can show you something unique. It’s a pain relief topical, the THC is nominal, in no way toxical with the quality so methodical. If […]

Hälsa Topicals by Keoki

Essential oils for essential highs. Hälsa’s essential oil roll-ons will transport you to the Norse Lands, navigating fjords and basking in the glow of the Aurora Borealis. Apply liberally and freely and feel like you’re riding shotgun with Thor Heyerdahl himself as you tap into your cerebral Kon Tiki in search of everlasting bliss. High […]

Golden Goddess

Good Goddess The goddess of the hunt walks barefoot through a dewey forest on a chill morning. Supplicants beg her for an audience, asking to know which path to follow out of the forest, first begging to be held in her nurturing embrace. She consents. This is Lush. The goddess of hidden lakes offers a […]