Bhakti + Black Prana

Chex-mix and Chillum… When Old Man Gunderson retires to his cabin in the woods high up in the Sierra Nevadas, he only needs a few things. His trusty dog Frank, his Stetson hat, his insulin to control his diabeetus, his mustache comb and of course his artisanally made chillum and classic rolling tray by Maïtri. […]

Curved Papers

Serve the curve… Ned Bunglesdorf suffered from a chronic condition knowns as “butter fingers”. He was diagnosed at a young age. He would drop orange juice cartons all over the breakfast tabl. He would miss every single ball thrown his way. Even tying his shoelaces was an ordeal. His fingers just lacked the proper dexterity […]

Ceramic Rolling Trays

To use this tray for but a day… As Mr. Longstreet rolled his fifth joint over his mint highlighted ceramic tray by Elevate Jane he instantly felt a sense of gratitude. He remembered back when days weren’t so bountiful and how as a younger man he was reduced to rolling his joints over the most […]

Big E Dabbing Dock

The MIR space station of dab rigs… This is ground control to Major Dab. Major Dab, do you hear us? Of course you can’t. You are too far out into space and are only likely to receive this communique when you come down off your incredible high. Be careful upon re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere, and […]

Empire Rolling Papers

One Percenter Papers…. What denotes extravagance more than smoking your weed from rolled up hundred dollar bills? Lobster humidors and Gucci jetpacks is about the only thing that comes to mind. Announce to your peers and subordinates alike that for now on you will be toking from high value banknotes ONLY. Empire’s Ben Franklin $100 themed […]

Diminutive Dabbing Tools

Tiny tools for giant jobs… When Lemuel Gulliver returned from his “Lost Month” after he’d disappeared, everyone had assumed he’d just fallen off the wagon again and spent the month on the continent in various bars and brothels. Little did they know -pun intended- that he had been one of the greatest adventures of the […]

A Higher Standard of Clean

Like a hazmat team for your bong… You can call on this kit even when your beloved bong or vaporizer has been desecrated to such an extent that most sane people would have long ago thrown it into the trash or buried it out back. This kit will resurrect your favorite piece and like a […]

Natura Hemp Rolling Papers

Naturally Natura… When Little Jimmy Fontaine finally went all natural everyone thought it was just a phase. It started innocently enough. He started buying organic fruits and vegetables and relied only on Rizla’s Natura responsibly sourced hemp rolling papers to smoke his homegrown bud. Before long, he went vegetarian and then vegan and then raw vegan and then […]

ResÖlution Bong Cleaning Kits

A clean bowl is a happy bowl… We know your dilemma because you are us and we are you. You’d love to clean your bong, but what you’d love even more is to do a bong rip or two and clean it next time. Next time becomes a week, a month and in extreme cases, […]

Cannador’s Mahogany Roll Tray

The natural choice to roll your trees… Growing up on a cannabis farm is a hard but charmed life. Young Troy Dobbs would wake up early and till the soil, and apply the fertilizer, and make sure the plants were getting enough love and care and nourishment. He would occasionally take breaks to enjoy a […]