Honey Pot Topicals

Top Pot Tops… Col. Moncrief liked to take his cannabis infused honey by the old Palmetto tree. He would spoon out a heaping dollop and hold it up to the sun as a sort of communal experience between civil war veteran and sun. He would mix it in his tea and pine for simpler times. […]

Irie CBD

Totally Tincture… This ain’t your grandpa’s adaptogenic herb and full spectrum hemp oil concoction. This is Irie CBD, tincture oil formulated to bring a sense of balance to your life. Now you may be saying, “Well I already feel perfectly balanced, I don’t need this.” That is just the sort of thing an unbalanced person would […]

Breez Spray

Because everybody deserves a spray day… Remember those old 80’s sitcoms  where some smooth fella’ wearing a silk blazer with shoulder pads would spot an attractive lady and spray some Binaca in his mouth before making his moves? Well, the 80’s are over and the laugh track sitcom is in it’s it death throes (bye […]

Miller Healer Box

It’s Miller time! You have always loved the idea of skateboarding and you dream to be like a young Marty McFly, hanging on the back of bumpers or, for people who aren’t ancient, like pro–boarder Matt Miller. Fat chance pal. Your balance and overall athleticism is questionable and the likelihood of you getting on any […]

Amiruca Botanicals

What Is Old Is New Again… After the 3,000 year storm, the forest gnomes of cannabis country left their subterranean labyrinth to forage for medicine above ground. They brought bushels of pot plants to their treehouse workshops and toiled feverishly to produce botanical creams and capsules for all those who suffered. Left alone for centuries […]

Calm CBD

Riding the high seas… For the sexy pirate within us all. Here it comes. You have that urge again to cast yourself free from the binding limits of the suffocating shore, and once more be free to ride the high seas in search of booty to plunder. (Get your mind out of the gutter, dirty […]

Ritual Tincture

Schedule your high… Typical Weekday Schedule: 9am: Visit dispensary and purchase Ritual Tincture. 9:12am: Scatter chicken bones in the parking lot and howl like a wolf. 10:00am: Report to work at the widget factory. 10:44am: Silently whisper to yourself, “If I make one more widget I’m going to burn this factory down.” 11am: Excuse yourself […]

Emerald Alchemy Tincture

Old World extraction for Other World interaction… Time honored practices make for an intense relationship between human and plant. A liquid bridge, if you will, where one freely crosses between two worlds; the natural and the supernatural. Through alchemy and good old fashioned agriculture this cannabis tincture will give you a unique experience and transport […]

Cannatonic Tonic

A sublime sublingual… It’s three o’clock in the morning and you’ve tuned into Tincture Radio, playing all those edible delights for you on your graveyard shift. We’ve got a special request going out to all those sublingual freaks out there. A cool and mellow high is coming your way from the groovy cats over at […]

Cured Spices

I’m “Cured”!! How to win the tri-country fair cookoff. Cured CBD infused spice will be your secret weapon this year. A sweet or savory addition that will hypnotize and lull the judges into giving you high marks…. But be forewarned, it’s not easy winning top prize at the Tri-County Fair Cookoff. In fact it’s downright […]