Cedar & Finch – Cannary Pouch & Lid’l Pipe

The Pot Pipe Pouch Purse

Like the great Australian Kangaroo keeping its precious young in the safety of its pouch, Cedar & Finch’s Cannary Pouch keeps your pipe and herb stash safe and sound.

Combine it with their elegantly engraved Lid’l Pipe with magnetic lid, and keep your full bowl super secure like a… like a… a proud Platypus protecting its young in its pouch from the plethora of water dangers in the Aussie Outback.

(Maybe we should turn off the Australian Discovery Channel when we write these things.)

Original Piece Pipe

Are people still down with O.P.P.?

Apparently, the ’90s are back with a vengeance and it’s still cool to be down with Other People’s Pu… (wait, what? Say again… we read that wrong? Not that O.P.P.?? It’s what..? “Original Piece Pipe” …are you sure? Is that a track from Naughty By Nature’s all weed concept album? What? That’s not a thing? What the heck is it then? A brass bullet keychain that stores weed and then smokes that weed…? You sure about that? K. Fine. Take 2…)

URB Concrete Pipe

Form Over Function.

Your first thought might be, “Ooo, this is a cool looking pipe. Looks like a piece of post-modern art or something.”

Then you pick it up and think, “How the hell do I smoke out of this thing?”

You might think the front loading bowl might be where you light it, like a one-hitter bat, but you’d be wrong. You plug that bowl with the cork lid and then light it through the five little holes on top (which can brand your thumb when hot). Weird, but sure let’s try.

Customizable Wood Dugout Kit

Match your Monograms

You know the problem: you’ve monogrammed all your dress shirts, your cardigan sweaters, your ascot scarfs, your hand and body towels, even all your silk napkins. But every time you pull out your pipe stash to pack and puff some of that good green stuff, something’s missing. You feel… unfinished. Incomplete. You look down at your wooden dugout and finally you see what you’re missing. You see what isn’t there. Your dugout is monogram-less and you are ever the poorer for it!

Fret no longer! Elevate Accessories makes a luxury wood dugout kit with a glass one-hitter that you can even get monogrammed! (Finally!)

Their tritone-colored dugout includes a stash storage for herbs, and a beautiful glass one-hitter.

If stealthiness is your goal, this Elevate dugout doubles as the best traveling companion as you won’t need to carry your supplies in a separate container. Simply slip this dugout into a pocket, or bag, and you have everything you need for the perfect stealthy spy smoking experience, like you’re the James Bond of bud.

And don’t worry if fancy ain’t your thang, you can monogram all kinds of naughty words and give them as gag gifts instead. Just make sure they’re only 3 letters long… dik.

Crackle Quartz Wand

Crystal Green Persuasion.

Have you ever looked at a really big beautiful piece of crystal and thought, “I wish I could smoke out of this”…? Well now you can!

Canadian company Sweet Flag gives us the Crackle Quartz Wand. A pipe to fill with flower and puff on magic. So embrace some crystalline power and taste the miracles.

Each beautiful pipe is made by hand from a unique powerful crystal wand about 4” long. So beautiful Merlin sent one to Gandalf for Saturnalia.

(Crackling may vary from one crystal to the next. Wizards not included.)