Topstone Vapes

Riding vape-trails… You know that feeling when you break out at dawn on the next leg of your cross country bicycle trek across the South American Andes… the cool grip of the handlebars in your stiff hands, the crisp smell of the air changing from night to day, the exhilaration of effort that lifts your spirit and […]

FOCUS Water Pipe

A Pipe for the Steampunk Sherlock Holmes. In the year 2078 crime plagues the streets of London. Scotland Yard is helpless in the face of marauding street gangs. With the help of modern science they exhume the body of the legendary detective, Sherlock Holmes, and retrofit him with cutting edge technology and Steampunk machinery. Science […]

18k Gold Bar Pipe

Scrooge McDank the Goldsmoker. You know how it goes. Another hard day of corporate raiding. You only doubled your investment and complain about the “chump-change” as you sell off all the valuable assets. After all that, nothing sounds better taking dip and jumping into your personal spanish-bullion coin-pool in your giant gold vault. After jumping […]


Sculptural Smoking Vessels

Passionate pot-tery. Whenever a suave banker meets a sensual ceramic artist, the two tend to fall madly in love over an evening of percolating pottery passion to the sweet seductive sounds of The Righteous Brothers’ unchaining that melody. Not only do they make sweet love, but they make some sweet sexy pottery. Then the banker […]

Drop Bubbler Bongs

Don’t let the bong drop At first glance, these drop bubbler bongs look like something plundered from the treasure chests of Montezuma… only to emerge hundreds of years later courtesy of Kjell’s Cool Variety Shop. One can imagine a fleet footed Aztec taking Montezuma’s prized bong before the invading Conquistadors made their way into the palace grounds. […]


Pot Potted Pottery When Aunt Mary moved to Bolinas in the late 70s to quicken her divorce, she took up three things to help her transition into impending singlehood: a craft pottery class at the Marin community college; a new appreciation for growing good grass in the backyard; and a lively affair with the young pottery professor himself… who, […]

Twisty Glass Blunt

For the blunt smoking, future loving purist. So you like smoking blunts but you have decided that Dutch Masters are so passé, and what you really need is a golden cylindrical staircase encased inside a five chambered glass tube, simply because it exists. And it looks like something that fell from a flying saucer. Or […]

The INDA Pipe Necklace

Mother Earth Magic Is your goddess-circle group-gathering on every other waxing moon not giving you the get up and go inspirations and blessings like it used to? Do your sacred sisters seem to just be chanting through the motions? Next time bring an INDA pipe necklace packed with your favorite herb-infused medicinal magic to help you […]

Miwak Junior’s Porcelain & Stoneware Pipes

Stoney Stoneware Miwak Junior’s porcelain and stoneware pipes are studies in simplicity and design. They may look like the perfect magic skipping stone (please do not do that), but are in fact a stylish smoking pipe. It seems almost as if these pipes were picked off the ground of a meditation garden like your mom used […]

22k Gold GeoPipe

A Pipe For The Stoned Ages.

For the hipster caveman looking to impress his classy cave lady with the perfect pipe to puff some prime prehistoric-pot, Stonedware presents the stylish 22k gold-edged GeoPipe.

Whether relaxing in the love-cave, or getting ready to head out to see some indie igneous rock band like “Big Bash & The Boom Booms”… this premium primitive pot pipe is perfect for Paleolithic player.