Marble Pipes

Secret society’s pipe of choice… The Grand Puba of the Eternal Sativa Lodge has called upon the almighty seer stone to be brought forth with. As the central ritual piece of the Treemason’s harvest ceremony this marble pipe also acts as conduit to the spirit world. Designed by Fredericks & Mae this cone shaped pipe […]

Fruit Fantasy

The apple of your high… In the future, all humans will be allotted one ceramic apple to smoke their weed out of. This is by official decree from the newly appointed galactic overseer, Rebus X. Rebus was born in a synthetic apple orchard on the planet Nebulack. He grew up a weed farmer and led […]

7″ GRAV® Steamroller

Steamroll right over you… Paddy O’Doyle had always been small. The smallest of a brood of twelve. He scrapped his way through life day in and day out, never takin’ no guff. He became a prize fighter at the age of 20, known throughout the circuit as “The Steamroller” on the count of him plowing […]

The Pursuits of Happiness

 The French Enlightenment is but a puff away… The Pursuits of Happiness, in concert with Kelly Wearstler have created the bite sized Voltaire pipe. A trendy little piece that will help you write your 18th century polemics while waxing rhapsodically about constitutional monarchies and freedom of thought. We advise you to use where legal, lest […]

The Mermaid Package

Heed the siren song… Mermaids are real, and they get high. They get high for several reasons. Reason #1: They get beat up by the waves A LOT. #2: Laying on a rock for hours while serenading sailors can be taxing on the lower back and fish scales. #3: It’s not easy being a mermaid […]

Love + Destroy

Smoke with the one who brought you to the dance… Love + Destroy one-hitters are a relic from the past, updated for modern sensibilities. If this lovely little pipe had it’s own Facebook profile it’s relationship status would say “It’s Complicated.” Not because it’s difficult to understand, far from it. Rather it’s because of it’s […]


Modern art you can smoke out of… How often have you rushed to make it to the MOMA before it closes because you forgot today was free museum day, only to find you left your pipe at home? Sure, the new Max Ernst exhibit looks amazing in the gift shop brochure, but there’s only one […]

Ceramic Chillum

Time to Chill-um It wasn’t a particularly hard yoga class, but the room was scorching hot and the instructor held some of the poses for so long. Utkatassana for two minutes? Margo turns her M6’s AC to its highest setting. She swears and sighs. She doesn’t really want to meet Kate for brunch. She’s got […]

Journey pipe

The Art of the Swivel “There was a fine pipe from Sweetflag It had a swivel top to improve drag It’s shiny and new and hits very true I’m so high now I just had to brag.”

Santa Feo 3 Chamber Pipe

Turn and burn The wooden gear Santa Feo pipe from Steven Mattern is like the cannabis equivalent of Hellraiser’s puzzle box but instead of unleashing a demonic world it will transport you to a land of euphoria and good vibes. Just turn the gears to reveal three different bowls. Why three bowls you ask? The better […]