CBD Oil for Horses

Some hemp, some hemp, my kingdom for some hemp… Harriet is a horse lady. Not a centaur mind you, but a woman who loves horses. She dotes on her own horse whom she affectionately refers to as “Pony Girl.” She rides Pony Girl, she brushes Pony Girl, she fits Pony Girl with the finest made […]

Bacon Apple Pet Donuts

Give a dog a bone, feed him for a day. Teach a dog to fetch, play with him for a lifetime… Those are the wise words of famed dog philosopher Sir Nigel Bellyrubs. As director of the Center for Good Boys he is excited about new CBD containing products currently out on the market. None […]

Hemp for Pets

A Chew Way Of Life… Why not give your beloved Yellow Labrador something new to chew on? Like… hope. That’s right, hope. That’s the only thing that Ol’ Dusty Boy can cling onto these days. What with the torment of children chasing him around the dinner table, the incessant chasing of tennis balls and the […]

Pet CBD Tincture

Chill dog, chill… Your wife’s Pomeranian, Mr. Hugsworth, is giving you trouble again. She dresses him up in little outfits, gives him human food and swears he is an angel. Yet, when she leaves the house his true colors start to show. He chews up the furniture, barks at anything that isn’t nailed down, and […]

CBD Pet Treats

Dog day diaries… From the diary of an old St. Bernard in the not-to-distant future who has retired to The South: Dear Master, I think back often to the time I spent with you in rural Connecticut. How you rescued me from the St. Bernard breeder in Cheyenne and gifted me to your youngest son […]


The spoils of CBD oils… FLWRFOOD presents a topical and oral CBD oil to help you get a grip on anxiety and pain relief. Use liberally and don’t worry about driving your forklift stoned, or meeting the in-laws with bloodshot eyes. These tinctures are non-psychoactive and organically made from premium cannabinoids. This natural antioxidant and […]


Playing fetch has never felt so good… Mr. Snugglesworth is a Yellow Labrador who is advanced in age. He no longer darts across the yard like he once did, nor does he challenge the mailman like in days gone by. When the tennis ball rolls under the Barcalounger Mr. Snugglesworth just stares off into the […]

Calm and Quiet

Chill dog, Chill… What if we told you there was a way to make your dog even more of a good boy? Impossible you say? Perhaps you need to look at Calm and Quiet Therabis Hemp Wellness Formula. A hemp based remedy for bad dogs, good dogs and dogs that straddle the fence. Take your run-of-the-mill, […]

KannaKrill CBD Relief for Pets

Man’s best friend meets man’s best friend. Have years of fetching newspapers and digging holes in your neighbor’s yard got your dog feeling a bit achy or sluggish? Perhaps KannaKrill relief can help. A CBD oil and Krill oil blend developed specifically for pets on the mend (Cats & dogs mostly. Fish & turtles… not […]