Book of Rolling Tips

Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’… raw high! If you are a lost soul and you throw yourself at the Book of Rolling Tips, thinking it will provide you with some great insight on how to turn your gnarled up travesties of a joint into flowering cylinders of pure seamless perfection you will be sorely disappointed. This is […]

Intentional Papers

Send A Secondhand Message… Intentional messages from Intentional Papers. Smoke the words that guide you with Sweet Flag’s hand written rolling papers. “CHILL OUT,” urges one such rolling paper. This is perfect to drive home the point that you are a bloody mess and you need to in fact chill with a joint. Or of […]

Crowns Papers & Filters

Smoking in the Garden of Eden… Ethel was one of those neighborhood busybodies who had no filter. She’d read you the riot act and berate you in front of strangers for the tiniest of infractions. Her vocabulary was 2 parts profanity and 1 part sass. She smoked her joints much like she lived her life; […]