ROOT Indoor Garden

Here’s George Jetson…’s home hydro-grow. Ok, it’s almost 2020 and we still don’t have real flying cars or practical jet packs predicted in the 1960s. But we can do something almost unthinkable a half a century ago. If you want to grow a small batch of fine “herb”, as the kids say, in the privacy […]


The Tokable Tamagotchi Got the green of thumb itch without the space to grow?  Ever wanted to get great at growing the good green but didn’t want the hassle of actually dealing all the dirt and water and whole plant mess? Miss your old Tamagotchi pocket pet that died on you that one summer you left it a […]

The Kitchen by Jay Kitchen

Better than bud-porn. If you’re the type of guy who used to sneak peaks at his uncle’s stash of High Times bud centerfolds, pushing aside the Playboys, to get a good grow-geek gander at the sweet seductive sights of bountiful buds brimming with copious crystals and handsome hairs… then Uptown Grow Lab‘s book The Kitchen, by […]

A Weekly Journal for Cannabis Growers

Pro your Grow “The world is but a canvas to our imagination.” – Henry David Thoreau Whether you are a grower taking meticulous notes on cycles, soils, watering methods or harvest moons, or just someone who likes to rewrite their boyfriend’s name in cursive over and over and over again, Gold Leaf’s cannabis journal is just […]


When life slips you bud butter, make canna-cookies. You wake up late for an important meeting at the office. You stumble blurry-eyed down the stairs to the kitchen to start the new coffee maker on the counter. You push all of the buttons to try and get it to turn on. Hearing it start, you […]

1 Ounce Cannabis Bouquet

A Bud By Any Other Name…

Any amateur can get a dozen roses for their loved one, but it takes a real cannasieur to take love to the next level. And nothing says “I love you” like a 1 Ounce Cannabis Bouquet from Lowell Farms.

Roses whither and die in the vase in days, but a bud bouquet is a gift that keeps on giving over and over and over… and it’s definitely going to make Valentine’s Day a lot more frisky and fun for all.

Roses might get you kissed, but a bouquet of bud will get you kissed all over.



Home-Brewed Bud

You know that college roommate who suddenly got into home-brewing beer in your small apartment? You had to deal with months of crappy yeast and hop stink only to be rewarded with a couple of bottles of mostly flat “earthy” beer, and pretend to like it just so he’d pay his share of the cable bill that month.

Well now you can be that guy, only with weed! Get Leaf! The personal home grow system so easy even a college roommate can’t screw it up. “Just set it… and forget it!”…as that rotisserie chicken guy used to say. (Mmmmm, rotisserie chicken…)

Yes, you too can try and grow at home what the professionals do much better on the farms!

(Alright, if you have no access to pro-grown bud, or just like to watch weed grow, this is pretty frickin’ dope.)

The Source

Just What Your Countertop Needs… another appliance!

Growing at home but don’t know what to do with all that extra trim? Don’t just bake bad batch bud brownies with it, concentrate it in your kitchen! Looking like just another kitchen counter-top blender (because you don’t have enough random cooking gear you barely use on your counter top already…) The Source is a safe, clean, kitchen-safe appliance that uses vacuum and gentle warming to extract and concentrate essential oils. Like everything these days, there’s an app for that.
