Sonic Sundaze

It’s Sunday, think it softly… Whether you want to know what to puff when you play, or what to play when you puff, we’ve got some sweet smokey sonic suggestions to float you through the day! Music & marijuana go together like PB&J…. you shouldn’t do one without the other! We here at The New Smoker […]

Miracle Bud Leaf

Oracle at Delph-high… Forget toking on tarot cards, Urban Outfitter’s  Miracle Bud Leaf will help guide you through the weed wonder-dome that is your head high. This sinsemilla sorcery is today’s Fortune Telling Fish palm reader, or if you want to go really old school… a kinder version of chicken bones. The sort that would be […]

Game of Zonk

To master Zonk is to master life… Recently recovered records show that the Game of Zonk has been played in one form or another since the days of Ramses II. Egyptian hieroglyphs depict various kings engaged in a smoke ritual with six sided dice and a long pipe. Several mummies have even been uncovered holding […]

High Maintenance HBO

From Vimeo to HBO. It’s just one of those days. A day where the world gets in your way. The anti-cruise. No cruising. No green lights. Nothing flows. Every connection missed. Every train out of commission. The kind of day much better spent if you’d never left the bed, and called your weed guy instead. […]