Nice Candy

The Good Trip Lollipop… Medicated candy by Nice to satiate your sweet tooth and yearning to be high. Real fruit candies that pack a wollop. Who would create such a thing? Well, the Candyman for one… “Who can take a lollipop, sprinkle it with THC Cover it with Manuka honey and a milligram or two […]

Cured Spices

I’m “Cured”!! How to win the tri-country fair cookoff. Cured CBD infused spice will be your secret weapon this year. A sweet or savory addition that will hypnotize and lull the judges into giving you high marks…. But be forewarned, it’s not easy winning top prize at the Tri-County Fair Cookoff. In fact it’s downright […]

Satori Chocolate

An enlightened edible… “Satori” is the act of seeing into one’s true nature. The stripped down, bare bones version of one’s honest self. Free from ego or attachment. What better way to plunge those depths than consuming a 240mg Satori dark chocolate bar made from high potency cannabis oil and only the finest ingredients like […]

Granny Smith & Strawberry – Fruit Leathers

Throw your fruit for a loop… Remember when you were a kid in grammar school and you got all excited at lunch time when you opened up your Mr. Belvedere lunchbox and you noticed that your mommy threw in a Fruit Roll-Up! Weren’t Fruit Roll-Ups the best?! Do you remember that feeling? K, Cool. Well, […]

Asteroid Gummies

Cannabis for kids…? Remember back to the day you walked into the local ice cream shop in your little hometown in early 1980, and saw a bunch of your grammer school friends crowded in the corner around some kinda tall electronic pinball machine with a TV screen set inside. This strange new machine didn’t have […]

Cannabis Powder XJ-13

Dose & Dissolve… Through a mysterious co-mingling of both chemistry and alchemy, the intrepid souls at THC Design have just made what may be the galaxy’s first ever water soluble cannabis powder. That noise you hear in the distance are trumpets announcing it’s arrival. Has the new green Ovaltine arrived? Will there be a change […]

Seasonal Treat Red Boxes

A Sensimilla Stocking Stuffer… If the terms green, organic, and fair-trade make you salivate, then a Baceae edible is just for you. If you like to get deliciously high, and lessen your carbon footprint on the planet, then a Baceae gourmet edible is just what you need. If you like little red boxes to go with […]

Little Brittons – Chocolate Truffles

It’s the little things that pack the biggest punch… These powerful little chocolate truffles come inside a box emblazoned with a wax insignia of a potleaf. It’s as if they were handed out by the king of cannabis himself. A man who rules on high with a glass bong scepter and a crown made of […]

Lizzy Tish

Super High Tea… Lizzy Tish has gifted the world of confectionary with a 10mg dosed cannabis cookie that could even stop the venerable Cookie Monster in his tracks. In other words these premium treats are to be savored. Organically made in flavors of Rose Pistachio, Earl Grey w/ Sea Salt and Lemon Chamomile these shortbread […]

Spreadable, Edible Coconut Oil

The case of the great spreadable edible… This is one edible that is billed as “smooth, creamy and potent”, which is also the promise of many slow R&B albums where the lead singer sits on a velvet Biedermeier sofa, cradling his saxophone and showing off his gator skin boots. Truth be told, it’s an exciting […]