Big Pete’s Cookies

Big Pete, Big High… Do you like cookies but resent the fact that you are judged by your peers for dipping them in milk as you watch old Falcon Crest episodes whilst wearing your onesy? We have a hack that may lend you some much needed street cred… THC infused cookies.   Big Pete Cookies […]

Miller Healer Box

It’s Miller time! You have always loved the idea of skateboarding and you dream to be like a young Marty McFly, hanging on the back of bumpers or, for people who aren’t ancient, like pro–boarder Matt Miller. Fat chance pal. Your balance and overall athleticism is questionable and the likelihood of you getting on any […]

Sweet Sins

Decadence In Small Doses… Gone are the halcyon days of visiting grandma’s house where she pulled out her jar of wrapped taffy or butterscotch and presented you and your little sister a precious candy for your sweet tooth. Today it is you who is almost a grandma or grandpa. The question is what will you […]

Not Pot

Bears for Squares… Nobody said you have to get baked in this new Green Rush. The lovely thing about CBD is you get to hang on to that sober outlook while still enjoying the therapeutic benefits of premium endocannabinoids. Not Pot CBD Gummies are shaped like miniature albino bears ready to squeeze the pain and […]

HWY Edibles

Take The High Way… “Go West, young man.” It’s time you flew straight and headed for the horizon. Towards the pacific where the skies are blue and the roads cut through mountain valleys; where desert basins and opportunity lies at every turn. Pack light because you don’t want anything holding you down. Just you, your […]

Aceso Powdered CBD

Powdered Water! (Just add water… & powder). You’ve been at your lakeside oasis several months know. Far away from the hustle and bustle of your previous life as a cog in the wheel. Now what you seek is inner peace and an all-encompassing symbiosis with the nature that surrounds you. You start your mornings as […]

Canna Candies

The Candy Men Canna! Joining the great pantheon of dynamic duos peddling their wares comes Ed n’ Bill with their candy edibles. But they weren’t always making cannabis confectionary however. Rumor has it that they started with candied umbrellas but unfortunately they washed away in the rain. Then it is told, Ed n’ Bill tried their […]

Sea Salt CBD Chocolate

Sea-BD… Don’t let the name fool you, Grön is not a type of stool you can purchase from IKEA. Grön are purveyors of artisanal cannabis chocolates. The dark chocolate sea-salt bar with CBD is your ticket to decadence and escape. Not like a Golden Ticket ala Willy Wonka tripping in your brain/body mind you… but […]

Infusing with Sous Weed

Elegant edible infusions… We’ve come a long way since “The Joy of Cooking”. Not to say the joy is no longer there. Quite to the contrary. Just choose one of any medicated recipes on and just watch the joy come pouring in. These aren’t 101 ways to toast bread, mind you. What you’re getting […]