Night and Day

Like Frank sings… “Night and Day You are the one Only you ‘neath the moon Or under the sun Whether near to me or far No matter, darling where you are I think of you Night and day Day and night Why it is so That this longing for you Follows wherever I go In […]

Cannabis Capsules

Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Ganja… The three Ayurvedic doshas are comprised of five elements: Fire, Air, Ether, Water and Earth. The last two of which gives Higher Veda Cannabis Capsules it’s main components of cold water hash. Together with a blend of herbs and superfoods these 10mg and 25mg capsules are geared to create a perfect […]

Onda CBD Capsules

A Panoply Of CBD As Far As The Eye Could See… He spoke like the character Bubba Blue from Forrest Gump, but instead of shrimp he spoke only of CBD and what it could be blended with. I met him through various cannabis circles and it was the only thing he could talk about. An […]

CBD Therapy Capsules

When crops meets drops… When your emotional therapy iguana cannot travel with you The Farmaceutical Company’s CBD Therapy Drops are the next best thing. A soothing dose of CBD to help you overcome inflammation, anxiety, and even your irrational fear of Elvis. That last part isn’t true. Why isn’t it true? Because fearing Elvis is […]