Maple Orbiter

Ground Control To Majorly High

Ground Control to Marjorly High

Take your pro-pot pills and be that stoney guy
Ground Control to Majorly High (ten puffs, nine puffs, eight puffs, seven puffs, six puffs)
Commencing grinding, grab your Magic Flight (five puffs, four puffs, three puffs)
Check battery ignition and may Jah’s love be with you (two puffs, one puff, liftoff!)

Chongo Ceramic Bong

“Ce n’est pas une bong”

When is a bong not a bong? When it’s a piece of modern art. The Chongo is the simple and elegant original all-ceramic bong by Summerland.

Sure, the Chongo is not revolutionary in design. The Chongolio is not the next trend in bong design. It’s not especially expensive. What it is is instantly recognizable as a classic beautiful bong, but an updated version – like a classic car with a fresh paint job and body work. With it’s pure white, ceramic design, and the classic shape, the Chongo is a timeless piece for the distinguished smoker.

And if anyone asks what that bong is doing on your shelf you can always say… “Ce n’est pas une bong. C’est d’art!”